Architektura II stopnia


confirmation of receipt of the thesis topic


Organization of the MA diploma session at AY 2021/22

Defense dates: July 6-15, 2022

Information on the members of the Commission and the date of the defense will be sent by e-mail no later than two days before the planned defense.

The master's diploma examination will be oral and will take place during the defense of the diploma. Questions are asked on the basis of examination issues published on the FA PUT website.

In AY 2021-22, in accordance with the decision of the FA PUT Faculty Council, the physical mock-up of the diploma project may be replaced with a virtual one.



Before uploading the diploma thesis, the Graduate should have:

  • all courses passed
  • all semesters closed.

The graduate student uploads the diploma thesis to the system in two identical versions:

Thesis in an editable version (.doc)

The diploma thesis in a non-editable version (.pdf)

The files are automatically uploaded to the JSA (Unified Anti-Plagiarism System).

The system checks the files and sends the report to the Supervisor. The waiting time (12-48h) depends on how busy the servers are.

The Supervisor informs the Student about the result. The Graduate has the right to replace the files twice, in each case the thesis is checked again by the JSA.

NOTE: The system operation time should be taken into account - hence the safe deadline for uploading the finished work is about 3-4 days before the deadline for submitting the work.

The diplomat also uploads graphic attachments to the system. Changing graphic attachments (replacing, adding new ones, etc.) does not generate JSA checking the diploma thesis.

The lack of graphic attachments makes it impossible to defend the diploma thesis.

NOTE: Approval of the thesis by the Supervisor is considered as submission of the thesis and closes the possibility of replacing files or uploading additional graphic attachments.

Graphic attachments:

  • diploma boards - vertical format 100x70, each board in a separate file
  • photos of the mock-up or visualization of a virtual model - the mock-up should take into account the immediate surroundings of the building or a group of buildings and fully convey information about formal solutions used in the project, in the case of visualization of a virtual model, they should show the entire project, including material solutions and colors used, at least one view it should be made "from the bird's eye view". The number of photos / visualizations is arbitrary, depending on the scale of the object - as a rule, all information regarding the external appearance of the designed building or complex should be provided.
  • declaration of consent to the participation in competitions.



The moment of submitting the diploma thesis is the approval of the diploma thesis in the system by the Supervisor.

Before approving the thesis, the Supervisor should make sure that the Graduate Student has uploaded the final versions of the graphic attachments.

Approval of the work in the system by the Supervisor closes the possibility of making any changes to the files and graphic attachments.
The Commission and the Diplomat use files downloaded from the system during defense.

The student submits in person at the Dean's Office: 

  1. Thesis title card – self-signed in the dean’s office 

  2. A signed declaration of authorship (printed after uploading thesis) 

  3. Application to receive the the diploma. 

  4. Clearance slip (circulation card) 

  5. Abridged copy of marriage certificate or other document confirming adopting a new surname during the study period, 

  6. Additional information regarding achievements during the studies to be added to the diploma supplement written in Polish and English, if the student applies for the English copy of the diploma. Attaching scans and copies of the original documents confirming the achievements is acceptable.

  7. In the case of team work, the diplomats submit a declaration indicating the authorship of individual parts of the diploma thesis and the participation of co-authors in the diploma project.



Open part

(the defense of the thesis is public, guests can be invited - an exception may be a pandemic situation and imposed restrictions). The defense may not be recorded by the visitors in any way.

  • Opening of the defense by the Chairman of the Committee on behalf of the Dean of FA PUT.

  • Presentation of the thesis: The graduate student has 10-15 minutes to present his diploma thesis.

The graduate student does not print the diploma boards, during the defense the boards and the presentation are displayed on the screen. The boards and photos of the mock-up or model are downloaded from the system by the Secretary of the Commission, the presentation is sent by the Diplomat to the Secretary not later than a day before the planned defense of the diploma. It is not possible to introduce changes to the boards after the thesis is approved in the system by the Supervisor.

Before the defense, the members of the Commission will get acquainted with the digital versions of the boards and the written work.

The physical mock-up of the designed building or complex is presented to the Commission at the end of this part, in the case of the virtual model, the Graduate must obligatorily show its visualization, and optionally may also show a model made in a computer program or an animation prepared in advance.

  • Thesis review: The Reviewer reads the prepared review, and after listening to the entire review, the graduate student answers the Reviewer's questions.

  • Discussion: The Chairman of the Committee starts a discussion on the thesis. Anyone present in the room can take the floor during the discussion.

Closed part

(only the Graduate and Members of the Committee remain in the room):

  • Diploma examination: The Commission asks the Graduate 3 questions. To pass the exam, the Graduate must obtain a positive grade for at least two of them.

  • The Graduate leaves the room, Committee members determine the marks for the defense, thesis and examination questions.

Open part

  • Announcement of the results: the Graduate and the guests return to the room, and the Chairman of the Committee announces the result of the defense.

  • The Graduate Student, whose thesis has been assessed with a grade of 5.0, is required to deliver the printed diploma charts to the Dean's Office within two weeks.


Materiały do konkursu studenckiego na koncepcję zagospodarowania terenu 

Topics of Master Diploma Thesis RA 2021/2022

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The scope of exam issues